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Year 2

At Southwood, our Year Two children build on all their hard work in Year One and from the Foundation Stage. We continue to have a fun, purposeful and exciting curriculum that is focussed on developing previous knowledge and new skills in an engaging way. We now focus on applying those basic skills and using them in lots of different contexts.

In Literacy we focus on key texts as hooks into children’s learning with a strong focus on drama and oral speaking and listening skills. We now look at writing in a more sophisticated way and consider the reader, so that we choose our language carefully to really excite and engage the people reading our work. We begin to look at some of the more complicated aspects of grammar.

In Maths there is a strong focus on using number facts and maths strategies we learnt in Year 1 and applying these to solve problems. We also have a strong emphasis on developing children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding in taught sessions and during circle time activities. This develops their life long skills and teaches them about respecting each other’s values and beliefs.

We also enjoy lots of practical theme days and special visitors as we believe these bring the learning to life for the children. Examples are our Fire Day, African Drumming workshops, trips to local sites as well as our H2O water fun day and many more!

Mrs Kinsella 

Year 2 Leader