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Design Technology


Design and technology is about designing and making products of quality. Children are encouraged to look at the world around them and ask questions about how things have been made. The children work in small groups, pairs or individually. They may explore, draw, talk about, design and evaluate existing products. They learn practical skills including how to join materials together. The children are required to use sheet materials, textiles, food, construction kits and items that can be assembled to make products. They are given opportunities to use their knowledge to develop a product that meets a need. In KS1, these include  sliders and levers, moon buggies with moving axels and sewing puppets. They are taught how to use tools and materials safely and are always under supervision.

Mrs Blowers, Design Technology Leader


Design Technology is theme specific and makes the most of cross-curricular links to other subjects to make it more meaningful for the children. We plan engaging and challenging projects, each taking half a term to complete, with a focus on the acquisition of subject knowledge and a progression of skills. Where relevant, additional opportunities such as cooking, are also planned in throughout the year.