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  • Excellence

  • Respect

  • Enjoyment

Dear Parents, Carers, Children and Visitors,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Southwood Infant School.

We are a very happy community to learn, work and play in. We set high standards for ourselves and for our children and work in close partnership with our parents to make our children’s first years of schooling is an excellent and enjoyable experience.  E

verything we do in our school underpinned by our core values:

Excellent    Respect   and   Enjoyment

At Southwood, we put the children at the centre of all we do. We want all our children to enjoy their time here and to make excellent progress both academically and personally. We recognise that every child is unique and deserves the opportunity to feel valued and experience success. We believe that children learn best through first-hand experience and our curriculum is designed so that pupils are stimulated and motivated to learn. 

Our teaching and support staff go above and beyond to ensure that we not only provide the highest quality of education, but also develop and nurture our children so they are able to become happy, successful and fulfilled individuals in their future. 

Our website aims to give you general information about our school, but if you would like to see us in action, then please make an appointment to visit.

We look forward to meeting you.  

Mrs Z Wisken 



For information about applying for September 2025   Click here

Southwood Infant School
Southwood Lane
GU14 0NE

Telephone: 01252 375 420


Our School Office is open from 8:30pm - 4:00pm

Our Latest Newsletter

Friday 14th February 2025


Please click the link below to find out what your child is learning about this halfterm.

Year R 

Year 1 

Year 2